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Zakład Mikrobiologii Zakład Mikrobiologii Zakład Mikrobiologii Zakład Mikrobiologii Zakład Mikrobiologii

Projects and Grants

Ongoing research projects:

2023 – 2026: Untapped potential of actinobacteria from aquatic environments as a source of novel bioactive compounds (Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks (MSCA DN) Hotbio Project (NCU Beneficiary of the Project) PI: dr hab. Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU

2023 – 2025: Calcium Carbonate encapsulated Casein Nanocarriers loaded with plant Nutrients as Novel nanocomposite fertilizer (NSC  2022/45/P/NZ9/01571) Project is co-funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945339 PI: dr Aniketkumar Gade, associated prof. NCU;  Mentor: dr hab. Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU

2023 – 2025: Mycogenic metal nanoparticles for plant growth stimulation and increased plant production (Preludium, NSC) PI: M.Sc. Joanna Trzcińska-Wencel, Mentor: dr hab. Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU

2022 – 2023 Changes in the mechanical and adhesive properties of bacteria as an adaptive response to antibiotics present in the environment (Minitura, NSC), PI: dr Dariusz Laskowski

2021 – 2025: Nature-based perennial grain cropping as a model to safeguard functional biodiversity towards future-proof agriculture (NAPERDIV BIODIVCLIM (EU/NCN) 2021-2023) PI: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Post doc: dr Ewa Węgrzyn, Investigators: dr Edyta Deja-Sikora, dr Dominika Thiem

2020 – 2025: Salicornia europaea as a human pathogenic microorganisms free food (Sali-Food) OPUS-17 (NCN) PI: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Investigator: dr Sonia Szymańska

2020 – 2024: Probiotics and prebiotics – the mechanism of their impact on the intestinal health and performance of the hen’s body from the pre-hatching period to the full maturity of the animal, through early modulation of the microbiome (OVOBIOM) Inestigators: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkieiwcz, dr Dominika Thiem, M.Sc. Niloofar Akhavan

Finished research projects:

2021 – 2023 Development of new environmentally-friendly and biologically active nanomaterials. within Ulam Programm of the National Academic Exchange Agency of Poland (NAWA). PI: prof. Mahendra Rai, Mentor: dr hab. Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU

2021 – 2022  The use of mycorrhizal fungi in the control of potato viral diseases (Solanum tuberosum L.) (Tango, NCBiR) PI: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Investigator: dr Edyta Deja-Sikora

2020 – 2022  Salty profile of endophytic fungi – a proteomic approach (Salt-Fun) (Miniatura, NCN) PI: dr Bliss Furtado

2019 – 2022 Search for biologically active compounds that limit the colonization of crops by microorganisms pathogenic to humans (Miniatura, NSC) PI: dr Sonia Szymańska

2017 – 2023 Grzyby arbuskularne jako wektory wirusów roślinnych (MYCOVIR) (Opus, NCN) PI: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Investigators: dr Edyta Deja-Sikora, dr Dominika Thiem, mgr Klaudia Werner

2017 – 2023 Investigation of the possibility of using silver nanoparticles produced by actinomycetes as an antibacterial and antifungal agent that is non-toxic to eukaryotic cells (Preludium, NSC) PI: dr Magdalena Wypij

2017 – 2020 Dual mycorrhizal structure of black alder under saline stress (Preludium, NSC) PI: dr Dominika Thiem, Mentor: prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Investigator: dr Sonia Szymańska

2017 – 2020: BETAMIKRO – Beetroot microbiome (Beta vulgaris) and its interaction with the plant (Opus, NSC) Investigators: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, dr Sonia Szymańska

2017-2018 Searching for new species of actinomycetes with antagonistic properties against pathogenic bacteria and fungi (Miniatura, NSC) PI: dr hab. Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU

2015 – 2019: Boosting plant-Endophyte STability, compatibility and Performance Across ScaleS – BestPass (676480 – BestPass – H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015/H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks, ITN-ETN); PI: prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz, Investigators: dr Bliss Furtado, dr Sonia Szymańska

2013 – 2016: The participation of endophytic microorganisms in the stress tolerance of plants growing in saline soils and their application in agriculture and biotechnology (OPUS, NSN) Coordinator: prof. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz

2013 – 2016: Application of combined separation techniques for fractionation of nanoparticles and antibiotic metabolites produced by actinomycetes from extreme environments (Symfonia, NSN) PI: prof. Hanna Dahm, Investigators: dr Patrycja Golińska, associated prof. NCU, dr Magdalena Wypij